Panorama of the city of TolyattiSAMARA, Jan 22 Volunteers are looking for new owners for 120 dogs they found in the apartment of a resident of Tolyatti, a post asking for help was posted in the local shelter Help group on the VKontakte social network. «more dogs. They just can't be counted. All are small, the size of a cat. There are adults, and teenagers, and puppies. All are emaciated,» the message says.According to volunteers, the woman initially kept eight dogs for breeding — lapdogs, long-haired dachshunds and poodles. “But then something went wrong, and now there are over 100 of them. All of them, respectively, mated. So now the whole breed is mixed there,” the shelter explained. Volunteers note that the dogs are hungry, emaciated. In addition, several bodies of puppies were found on the balcony. Volunteers have already taken some of the animals. 01/ec1d6da112532a8b4c312811f8372bb7.jpg» />January 14, 15:59 Family rescue: a dog with puppies was pulled out from under the slabs in BirobidzhanBirobidzhan volunteers found a dog with puppies under the slabs. The animals stayed under the rubble for several days, in a thirty-degree frost.