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China intends to conquer space: plans for the coming years announced

2021 was a record year for China in terms of the number of rocket launches.

Chinese «space machine» every year only «gaining momentum», becoming more powerful. The Celestial Empire is probably striving to firmly take its place among the main space powers of the world, which are not so many, reports the with reference to Channel 24.

Today, China is actively pursuing its space policy: on satellites are being launched into orbit, the space station is working, the moon is being actively explored, and now China has a rover on the red planet. 2021 was a record year for the Celestial Empire in terms of the number of rocket launches. Now, China has announced its space plans for the coming years.

«White Paper» China

«White Paper» titled «China's Space Program: Prospects for 2021» published once every five years. It notes that «Since 2016, China's space industry has achieved rapid and innovative progress, which is manifested in the steady improvement of space infrastructure, the completion and operation of the BeiDou navigation satellite system, the completion of the high-resolution Earth observation system, the continuous improvement of service capabilities« 8230;».

Plans for the coming years were also announced:

  • Expansion of space exploration missions.
  • The next five years, China plans to increase the capabilities of the «space transportation system» (launch vehicles) and upgrade them.
  • Modernization of space infrastructure: navigation satellites, communications and Earth remote sensing satellites and others.
  • Launch of the Xuntian space telescope.
  • Final assembly of the Chinese space station and the first launches of new manned and cargo spacecraft.
  • Construction of new spaceports, continuation of planetary research and much more.

Do not forget in a peculiar & #171;five-year plan» include plans for a manned flight to the moon. The document says that China is going to continue moving in this direction in order to land people on the surface of the satellite. Obviously, this will not happen in the next five years. Only the «moon rocket» will be tested in 2026, and the landing will take place closer to 2030.


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