MOSCOW, February 14 self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics, Speaker of the House Vyacheslav Volodin said in his Telegram channel. He specified that two draft resolutions would be submitted for discussion, which the deputies would discuss on an alternative basis. «, Volodin added. As the Chairman of the Duma explained, the drafts differ in that one implies immediate submission to the president, and the second must go to the Foreign Ministry and other state bodies for study and feedback. Volodin stressed that the decision to consider the draft resolution was made by the Duma Council. The speaker called the issue of recognition of the republics of Donbass «extremely important and responsible.» The supply of Western weapons to Ukraine and Kiev's failure to comply with the Minsk agreements pose «threats and risks to the lives of our citizens and compatriots living in the DPR and LPR,» Volodin concluded. jpg» />Yesterday, 14:42The Rada reacted to Moscow's possible recognition of the LPR and the DPRDeputies from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation on January 19 presented a draft appeal to the President of Russia on the recognition of the republics of Donbass as independent states and the earliest possible negotiations with their leadership to create a legal basis for interstate relations and regulation of all aspects of cooperation and mutual assistance. On February 14, deputies from United Russia submitted to the State Duma a draft resolution on consultations with the Foreign Ministry on a draft resolution of the Communist Party.