GENERICO.ruПолитикаThe Duma adopted a law on the expansion of sanctions for violating the rights of Russians

The Duma adopted a law on the expansion of sanctions for violating the rights of Russians

MOSCOW, March 4 The State Duma adopted a government law on the extension of sanctions measures for violating the rights of Russian citizens on all foreigners and stateless persons, and not only on US citizens, as it was before. Changes are proposed to be made to the federal laws «On measures of influence on persons involved in violations of fundamental human rights and freedoms, rights and freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation», and «On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation and entering the Russian Federation.» According to the current version of the law, there is the possibility of applying to US citizens involved in violations of fundamental human rights and freedoms, as well as those who have committed crimes against Russian citizens, various sanctions measures, it says in the explanatory note to the document. These include a ban on entry into the Russian Federation, seizure of financial and other assets in Russia, a ban on any transactions with property and investments , suspension of activities in the territory of the Russian Federation of legal entities under their control, as well as powers in the boards of directors or other management bodies of organizations registered in the territory of Russia. Violation of the rights of Russian citizens is possible not only by citizens of the United States, but also by citizens of other foreign states, as well as stateless persons , it is proposed to extend the possibility of applying these sanctions measures to all foreigners, regardless of their nationality, the explanation to the text also says. :24The State Duma adopted a law on imprisonment for fakes about the Armed Forces


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