GENERICO.ruВ миреHilton and Hyatt announced the suspension of the opening of new hotels in Russia

Hilton and Hyatt announced the suspension of the opening of new hotels in Russia

Reception at the hotel. File photoMOSCOW, Mar 10The Hilton and Hyatt hotel chains have announced they are suspending new hotel openings in Russia, according to statements posted on the chains' websites. operations in Russia, and also intends to use its profits from work in Russia for humanitarian assistance to Ukraine.

"We have closed our corporate office in Moscow and will ensure the continuation of work and pay for all affected employees" ,» the chain's website says.

Hyatt also said it was suspending new activities and any new investment in Russia. «We will continue to evaluate the performance of hotels in Russia, complying with current US government sanctions and directives, and look forward to resolving this crisis.» , the statement says.


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