MOSCOW, May 14. The current head of the International Boxing Association (IBA) Umar Kremlev re-elected for a new term, according to the organization's website. «Today, on the second day of the extraordinary IBA congress in Istanbul, Umar Kremlev was re-elected president of the IBA. The Congress moves on to further elections of the board of directors and committees,» the statement says. Kremlev remained the only candidate in the elections, which took place in Istanbul at the IBA congress, after Boris van der First from the Netherlands was removed from the elections. In mid-April, the nominating committee of the Independent Boxing Integrity Unit (BIIU) received a complaint that van der First, who had put forward his candidacy for the post of head of the IBA, as well as a number of candidates applying for a seat on the board of directors of the association, did not meet the eligibility requirements. Having considered all the circumstances of the case, the commission decided to remove van der First from the elections. In February 2017, Kremlev took over as Secretary General of the Russian Boxing Federation, in November 2018 he joined the IBA executive committee, and in February 2019 he headed the organization's marketing commission. In December 2020, he was elected President of the IBA.