GENERICO.ruВ миреBeijing reports 99 new cases of coronavirus per day

Beijing reports 99 new cases of coronavirus per day

Beijing. File photoBEJING, May 23On Sunday, 83 confirmed cases of coronavirus and 16 asymptomatic carriers were detected in the Chinese capital, the city administration said. social network WeChat. This is a noticeable increase compared to Saturday, when 52 new confirmed local cases and 9 asymptomatic were detected in Beijing. the situation and emphasized the need to continue adhering to the remote working format in the city.Coronavirus variant BA.4 was first identified in the Philippines. Xu Hejian said earlier that reports that Beijing would introduce a lokadun are «false rumors.» All entertainment and cultural facilities, as well as gyms, restaurants are currently suspended in Beijing have the right to work only for takeaway. Since May 5, the Chinese capital has also tightened the requirements for public transport passengers: now a certificate of a negative PCR test for coronavirus is required to travel. In addition, from May 5, everyone leaving the city and entering it must have a certificate of a negative PCR test within the last 48 hours. Since the beginning of the pandemic, the Chinese authorities have adhered to a «zero tolerance» policy for covid, so even with not very high rates cases, they introduce strict anti-epidemiological measures, locking down entire districts and even cities for quarantine.


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