Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić speaks after his inauguration ceremony at Parliament in BelgradeBELGRADE, May 31.Serbia remains a neutral island, surrounded on all sides by NATO, said President Aleksandar Vucic after taking the oath in the Assembly (parliament) of the country upon entering the second term. According to the results of the presidential elections held in Serbia on April 3, Vucic received 58.59% of the vote and from won by a convincing margin in the first round. On the same day, elections were held for deputies to the Assembly, in which his Serbian Progressive Party is in the lead, receiving about 120 out of 250 seats in the unicameral legislature. Due to the consideration of complaints by the electoral commission at certain polling stations, the final results of the parliamentary elections have not yet been approved, so the president on Tuesday took the oath to the previous convocation of the Assembly. In the morning, citizens gathered in front of the parliament building, a guard of honor was lined up.How Serbia surprised the world after the NATO bombings Patriarch Porfiry of Serbia and heads of other traditional confessions, former presidents of Serbia, member of the Presidium of Bosnia and Herzegovina from the Serbs Milorad Dodik, members of the government, foreign ambassadors were present in the hall. Speaker of Parliament Ivica Dacic opened the solemn meeting. Vučić traditionally placed his right hand on a copy of the historical Miroslav Gospel. He took the text of the oath, after which the anthem of Serbia sounded. «All around us are countries in which NATO is located. There is not a single country that is not in NATO, Serbia is like a small island. Some call it a problem. What a problem is that you believe your people , the heroic genes of its citizens and that we are able to defend our land and want to have the right to defend our borders, our country, have our military and protect our skies.Serbia today will no longer be easy prey for anyone, as, unfortunately, it was in 1999,» Vucic told the crowd. «This is what I am proud of, we do not attack anyone. Serbia has become stronger thanks to the people who know that the path of neutrality is the path to the future,» the head of state emphasized. Serbia's military neutrality with respect to military blocs was determined by a 2007 parliamentary resolution , while Belgrade participates in the NATO Partnership for Peace program and is an observer in the CSTO Parliamentary Assembly. The West did not talk about the integrity of Serbia