GENERICO.ruВ мире"Let's pray." The British were afraid of the words of the head of the General Staff about the war...

«Let's pray.» The British were afraid of the words of the head of the General Staff about the war with Russia

British military. File photoMOSCOW, 19 Jun. Readers of the Daily Mail newspaper criticized the new head of the British General Staff, Patrick Sanders, for talking about the need to create an army capable of «defeating Russia.» «.Europe heads for escalation Daily Mail users did not share the military sentiment. Many were afraid of the reaction to such loud calls. «God help us all! If the» masters of war «are back in business, then we can only pray,» wrote one reader. fired. He will unleash a third world",» they added in response.

«Generals and majors always look so happy when they talk about war. Only a few of them fought. We have too many generals for such a small army. They need a war to give meaning to what they are doing,» the Briton emphasized. «No one in the West is interested in a war against Russia. Except the United States, because they think they will watch from the sidelines while their weapons manufacturers and politicians receive billions of dollars «, — shared their opinion in the comments.England anathematized Patriarch Kirill»And no one calls for peace. Am I the only one who finds this is strange. We don't need war!» — concluded one of the readers of the Daily Mail. Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the policy of containment and weakening of Russia is a long-term strategy of the West, and the sanctions dealt a serious blow to the entire global economy. According to him, the main goal of the West is to worsen the lives of millions of people.


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