GENERICO.ruВ миреA sergeant from the DPR said that he was taken prisoner by foreign mercenaries

A sergeant from the DPR said that he was taken prisoner by foreign mercenaries

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DONETSK, 22 Oct. Aleksey Shalygin, Sergeant of the 103rd Regiment of the People's Militia of the DPR, returned from Ukrainian captivity said that he was taken prisoner by foreign mercenaries who spoke English and Polish. A man who served in the first battalion of the first company of his regiment, along with his unit, came under heavy enemy artillery and mortar fire. According to him, the military began to retreat, but it turned out that they were surrounded. At the same time, there were many foreigners among the attackers.

"We immediately understood … We heard English speech right away, someone was shouting in English. Then the Pole began to coo. In general, we did not understand who attacked. Well, there was Ukrainian (language), everything to the heap", Shalygin said.

The sergeant noted that there was a man with the mercenaries who translated from English into Russian and Ukrainian. «He ran with them. «Where is the interpreter, find an interpreter!» — they shouted all the time. As I understand it, not everyone understood these British or Americans, who they were,» the former prisoner said. According to him, foreign mercenaries did not there were no chevrons, no identifying marks. Their uniforms were Ukrainian, «NATO colors». The mercenaries used foreign weapons unknown to Shalygin, including small hand-held grenade launchers. The other day, the man, along with other prisoners, returned home on an exchange that took place on October 12. .jpg» />The Foreign Ministry announced an increase in the number of foreign mercenaries in Ukraine


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