GENERICO.ruРоссияThe State Duma adopted in the first reading bills on "propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations"

The State Duma adopted in the first reading bills on «propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations»

The State Duma «unanimously» adopted in the first reading two bills on «propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations.» This was reported by the press service of the lower chamber.

The first draft involves fines of up to 10 million rubles and expulsion from the country for foreigners for «disseminating» or «imposing» information «aimed at forming non-traditional sexual attitudes» or » arousing interest in such relationships.

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An article of the Code of Administrative Offenses that existed since 2013 allowed punishment only for “propaganda” among minors. The deputies decided to expand it to include all statements about LGBT people, as well as to introduce similar articles on “propaganda of pedophilia” and “dissemination of information that could make minors want to change their sex.”

The deputies decided to prescribe the inadmissibility of “materials promoting non-traditional sexual relations” in the legislation regulating advertising, cinema and the work of the media. They also proposed using a special «code» to give adults access to content with «propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations» on paid streaming services. =»mz-publish-context-cite__image» alt=»1″ />Article Cut out the word «member», paint over the text in black. Like censorship (and more often self-censorship), war and sanctions made life difficult for publishers and authors of books


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