GENERICO.ruПроисшествияThere was a video with a barely slipped in front of a moving train taxi

There was a video with a barely slipped in front of a moving train taxi

In Syktyvkar, a taxi that ran a red light was nearly hit by a train

In Syktyvkar, a taxi that ran a red light almost got hit by a train photo: frame from video. source: social media

Telegram channel Syktyvkar No. 1 posted a video in which the video recorder of one of the cars recorded how a taxi passing by at full speed slipped into a red semaphore signal in front of a moving train.

< p>There is a date on the recorder and, judging by it, this happened on March 26.

It is noted that a white taxi overtook the author of the video before the railway crossing in Ezhva. Moving to the red signal of the semaphore, the car barely managed to slip in front of the approaching train.

Whether there were passengers in the taxi at that moment is not known. However, the arrogance of the driver in any case is amazing, because the risk of a collision was huge.


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