GENERICO.ruЭкономикаPutin handed over control of shares in Unipro and Fortum to the Federal Property Management Agency

Putin handed over control of shares in Unipro and Fortum to the Federal Property Management Agency

MOSCOW, April 25 Russian President Vladimir Putin approved the list of foreign assets that fall into the temporary administration of the Federal Property Management Agency due to the seizure of Russian assets abroad, among them — shares in Fortum and Unipro, follows from the decree published on the official Internet portal of legal information.
«A list of movable and immovable property, securities, shares in the authorized … capital of Russian legal entities and property entities, in respect of which temporary management is being introduced,» the text of the decree says.

Among the list transferred to the temporary management of the Federal Property Management Agency, 83.73% in Unipro owned by Uniper, 69 .8807% in Fortum owned by Fortum Russia and 28.3488% in Fortum owned by Fortum Holding.

The presidential decree came into force on April 25. In general, the approved list consists of five sections: «Movable property», «Real estate», «Securities», «Shares in the authorized (share) capital of Russian legal entities» and «Property rights».
Unipro deals with production and sale of electrical energy and capacity. The company includes 5 thermal power plants with a total capacity of 11.3 GW. The company is also represented in the markets of distributed generation and engineering in the Russian Federation. The international energy concern Uniper SE owns 83.73% of the shares of Unipro.
The Russian division of the Finnish group Fortum includes the energy company Fortum, as well as Fortum's participation in TGC-1 (29.5%). In the authorized capital of Fortum, 69.9% belongs to Fortum Russia B.V., 28.3% — Fortum Holding B.V. url=»» data-title=»The Kremlin commented on the idea of ​​confiscation of property from those who left Russia»>


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