GENERICO.ruЭкономикаArtificial intelligence advised poor Russians to relax in Mexico

Artificial intelligence advised poor Russians to relax in Mexico

And if you go to Crimea, then only in the off-season

On the eve of the holiday season, tourist chats were full of confessions that artificial intelligence helped many to build budget routes. Vacationers can be understood: the prices at the resorts are so far ahead of salaries that the ordinary human mind is sometimes unable to figure out where he can afford to relax. After listening to their feedback, we also checked how artificial intelligence has replaced the real one for us.

And if you go to Crimea, then only in the off-season

— I have a vacation of 10 days at the end of May, and the budget for vacation is only 70 thousand rubles, — shares 32-year-old Alena – one of the Russians made happy with the advice of the neural network. — Of course, I want to go to the sea. But I understand that with such a budget on the Black Sea coast, I will only be even more tired, even if by some miracle I get there and find a cheap shed.

And if so, then it is wiser to undertake some kind of educational trip within my capabilities. But, on the other hand, my next vacation is only closer to winter, so I would like to relax, gain strength, and not just run from morning to night on excursions.

Alena says that she asked the price of boarding houses in the Moscow region and on the Volga, but either these were very dreary establishments, or a lone traveler for 10 days pulled only a bed in a double room with a shared room.

As a result, the girl shared her «vacation dead end» with a friend living in the USA. And she told her that in such cases she complains not to friends, but to ChatGPT. She said that planning a trip herself takes time and effort, and the neural network schedules everything in a matter of minutes, building an ideal route based on the requests of the tourist, her budget and travel time. 

Alena was afraid that the request would require complex manipulations, but her friend assured her that the chatbot «lives» in social networks and with him you can not stand on ceremony — just send him the same message that you would write to a friend. For example, “I have no idea where I should go on vacation! Where can I have a rest at the end of May on my unfortunate 70 thousand rubles?!»

Alena tried — and a minute later (moreover, the artificial intelligence touchingly apologized that it had to “scratch its turnips” for so long) was sent in as many as five directions to choose from — to the Crimea, Sochi, Turkey, Egypt and Greece. Naive artificial intelligence assured that «there are many options for a vacation for 70 thousand rubles at the end of May, the choice depends only on your preferences.»

Angry, Alena asked the neural network in this case to find her a ticket or at least a corner by the sea for this amount from May 20 to May 30. The inanimate mind again apologized for having to think, and soon gave out that he could not find either a ticket or a corner, since he did not have access to the bases of boarding houses and landlords, but he came up with a plan how Alena could spend 10 days at the Black Sea itself, fitting into your budget.

We quote it verbatim: “To visit the Black Sea coast for 10 days at the end of May with a budget of 70 thousand rubles, you will need austerity. I advise you to postpone your vacation to the off-season, when the prices for housing, food and transport in the resorts of the Krasnodar Territory and Crimea will become more affordable for you.  

But if you insist on May, then to travel to the Black Sea region and along it, you should use combinations of the most budgetary types of public transport — for example, an electric train + a bus + a fixed-route taxi or a passing private car. Explore budget accommodation options in advance, such as hostels or charitable shelters. Avoid additional spending on shopping in seaside towns and on paid excursions, explore only free attractions and places, saving on admission tickets. With this in mind, you will be able to enjoy all 10 days of your vacation on the Black Sea. Good luck on your journey!»

We also decided to test the artificial intelligence for intelligence.

— Unfortunately, this is impossible. To travel to Europe, you will need to obtain a visa unless you are a citizen of a country that has a visa-free regime with the European Union. In addition, for a trip to Europe, you will need money for accommodation, food and entertainment. If you do not have sufficient financial means, then it is better to postpone the trip until you can afford it. Or choose a route suitable for low-income Russians.

— Unfortunately, traveling without money is not recommended, as this can lead to serious problems. However, if you have a limited budget, you can visit countries that have a visa-free regime with your country and offer affordable prices for accommodation and food — for example, Turkey, Thailand, Indonesia and Mexico.

It's interesting that artificial intelligence is sure that Mexico is for poor Russians — accessible direction…


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