GENERICO.ruПроисшествияIn Volgograd "Gazelle" crashed into a bus at a bus stop, there are injured

In Volgograd «Gazelle» crashed into a bus at a bus stop, there are injured

VOLGOGRAD, May 14. Two adults and one child were injured in a collision between a Gazel truck and a bus at a bus stop in Volgograd, the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the region reported.
According to the agency, on Sunday afternoon in the Kirovsky district of Volgograd, a «Gazelle» drove into the oncoming lane and crashed into a bus that stopped at a bus stop to drop off passengers.
«As a result of an accident, a bus passenger born in 2011 was taken to the hospital with a closed craniocerebral injury, as well as the driver of the Gazelle and his passenger,» the police said.


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