GENERICO.ruНаукаGuterres wants to create an artificial intelligence advisory body

Guterres wants to create an artificial intelligence advisory body

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UN, June 12UN Secretary General António Guterres said that after the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) summit (September 18-19), he plans to create a high-level advisory body on artificial intelligence, he also considers it useful to create an agency specializing in artificial intelligence.
Earlier at a press conference, he called for serious warnings about artificial intelligence.

According to him, one of the countries has already announced its intention to hold an artificial intelligence summit this year.

«We will support this initiative. On the other hand, we believe that the summit should be preceded by serious work. In the coming days, I am going to appoint a scientific advisory board, which includes a number of outside experts, including two experts in artificial intelligence, as well as the chief scientists of UN agencies,» Guterres said.

«I I also intend to establish a high-level advisory body on artificial intelligence immediately after the SDG summit in order to seriously prepare various kinds of initiatives,» he added.
The UN Secretary General said that he would be grateful if countries took the initiative to create an artificial intelligence agency.


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