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Not in all products. Found a substance that prolongs life

MOSCOW, June 10, Vladislav Strekopytov. Scientists have found that a deficiency of taurine in the body accelerates aging, and replenishment of this amino acid through a special diet and nutritional supplements increases life expectancy. At least in mice and monkeys, on which experiments were carried out.

Essential non-essential taurine

In physiology, essential substances are substances necessary for life that the body does not produce itself, but receives with food. These include, for example, a significant part of the basic amino acids involved in the formation of proteins.

Compounds that are partially synthesized by the body, and partially come from outside, are called conditionally essential. With age, their internal inflow decreases. Health problems can arise if the deficit is not replenished through proper nutrition.

A typical example is taurine. This conditionally essential amino acid is one of the most abundant in the human body. It plays an important role in physiology: it improves energy processes, supports the functions of cell membranes, normalizes blood pressure, protects the liver from damage, and regulates carbohydrate and fat metabolism.
In addition, taurine is a very strong antioxidant, it helps to transport nutrients, participates in the regeneration of the organs of vision and the prevention of atherosclerosis, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and prevents the development of tumors.
In the human body, taurine is not more than a tenth of the total mass. Most of all — in bile (this is its main component), blood cells, heart, liver, intestinal walls and retina. The compound is formed as a result of intracellular metabolic reactions from precursor substances (cysteine, methionine and others), and also comes from outside with food of animal origin.

Natural Decline

It is known that with age, metabolic reactions slow down, due to which the concentration of many systemic metabolites in the blood and tissues decreases. However, the situation is different with taurine. Considering the widest range of its functions, scientists admit the existence of a feedback, in which the deficiency of substance molecules itself becomes the driving force of aging.

An analysis of data from the EPIC-Norfolk population-based clinical study conducted in the UK showed that low levels of taurine and its precursors are directly associated with the development of life-shortening ailments — obesity, hypertension, liver disease, general inflammation and type 2 diabetes. An international team of scientists led by Vijay Yadav of Columbia University in New York decided to test whether aging can be reversed by restoring blood levels of taurine to youthful levels.
The main observations were made in mice, and the findings were tested in other animal models — worms and monkeys. Previous studies in these species have shown that taurine deficiency early in life induces functional impairments in skeletal muscle, eyes, and the nervous system that are biologically analogous to aging.
To begin with, the authors studied how the content of taurine changes with age. It turned out that in elderly 15-year-old monkeys, the concentration of this substance in the blood serum is 85 percent lower than in young five-year-olds. In mice, the picture is similar, in humans, the level decreases slightly less over the course of life — by about 80 percent. » data-crop-ratio=»1″ data-crop-width=»600″ data-crop-height=»600″ data-source-sid=»» class=»lazyload» lazy=»1″ />

In youth, the body itself copes with the replenishment of taurine, but closer to old age, proper nutrition becomes especially important. Experiments have shown that aging mice fed a taurine-free diet have shorter lifespans than controls. On the other hand, daily supplements of taurine not only extended life by ten to twenty percent, but also contributed to the overall rejuvenation of the body.

The addition of taurine to the daily diet had a positive effect on the functioning of internal organs (pancreas, intestines), brain, muscle, bone, immune system, increased endurance, improved coordination and cognitive functions of rodents. In rhesus monkeys, it normalized metabolism and strengthened bones, increased immunity and overall life expectancy.
At the micromolecular and genetic levels, taurine replenishment resulted in a reduction in several key markers of aging, such as the accumulation of epigenetic DNA changes and mitochondrial damage, shortening of telomeres, stem cell depletion, and overall levels of inflammation.

Rejuvenation Factor

Replenishing taurine through supplementation could be a promising anti-aging strategy, scientists say. However, further research and human clinical trials are needed to make specific recommendations and evaluate potential risks.

“Aging is a complex process that is influenced by many factors, including genetics and environmental conditions,” says Georgy Surenyan, an expert in lifestyle modification and non-drug recovery. “Taurine may have some positive health effects, but is unlikely to be the only solution for treatment reversing or slowing down the aging process Anti-aging therapy is usually based on a holistic approach that includes a balanced diet, regular physical activity, stress management and other lifestyle factors.
Taurine has been used in dietary supplements for a long time. Doctors and nutritionists prescribe them for diabetic retinopathy, diseases of the cardiovascular system and liver, and in some other cases.
“Taurine promotes blood microcirculation in the vessels of the retina, has a beneficial effect on heart cells, reduces the risk of stroke, congestive heart failure, atherosclerosis,” notes Galina Khusainova, a nutritionist and expert in the field of rejuvenation. “In addition, it can be used to combat diabetes. And, importantly, this substance protects cells from oxidative stress, which is considered one of the factors of aging.»
Taurine helps fight depression, it is prescribed to athletes to increase endurance. The substance is generally safe and does not cause serious side effects.

«However, as with any other food supplement, individual reactions and intolerance are possible,» warns cosmetologist and nutritionist, specialist in anti-aging therapy Elena Bogatova “Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor before taking and follow the recommended doses.”
In most cases, healthy adults do not need taurine supplements. Only supporters of special diets can become an exception.
“Taurine is mainly present in meat, fish, milk and eggs,” continues Bogatova. “There is less or no taurine in plant foods. However, this does not mean that vegetarians are automatically at risk of premature aging due to a deficiency of this substance. It can be obtained from other sources such as soy, or use supplements.»
Interestingly, nutritional supplements are not the only way to increase taurine levels in the body. The natural production of amino acids is stimulated by active, especially long-term, sports exercises — for example, running or cycling. This conclusion was reached by the authors of the study, who measured the level of taurine before and after exercise in bodybuilders, runners for long and short distances and ordinary people leading a sedentary lifestyle.


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