GENERICO.ruНаукаRussia will help Brazil improve the environment around the Amazon

Russia will help Brazil improve the environment around the Amazon

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MOSCOW, June 28The Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (BINP SB RAS) together with the Institute of Electron Beam Technologies (EB-tech Co., Ltd., South Korea) created and delivered a mobile industrial accelerator to the Brazilian Institute of Energy and Nuclear Research (IPEN) to disinfect and purify the water of local rivers, the press service of the Russian Institute reported on Wednesday.
«Specialists from the BINP SB RAS together with South Korean colleagues from EB Tech Co., Ltd. have developed a mobile industrial accelerator for Brazilian scientists IPEN. This industrial accelerator with an energy of 0.7 MeV and a beam current of 28 mA is a mobile version of the classic accelerator of the ELV series. In May 2023, INP employees carried out commissioning of equipment at the customer's site,» the institute said.
They noted that the work was carried out with the financial support of the IAEA. As explained at the institute, as a rule, industrial accelerators are located in concrete bunkers, but this model was specially made for the customer's tasks and is a compact lead-shielded accelerator installed in a heavy-duty trailer.»

«Our colleagues from Brazil have purchased a mobile version of an industrial accelerator — such an installation is suitable for conducting experiments outside stationary laboratories, for example, for cleaning and disinfecting wastewater that enters the tributaries of the Amazon River,» the institute quotes a senior researcher at the Institute of Nuclear Physics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Candidate of Technical Sciences Alexey Korchagin.

This accelerator will be used to carry out experiments on water purification and disinfection with trips to places with unfavorable environmental conditions, including foci of possible bacterial contamination, since The unit can also be used for radiation sterilization of medical equipment and pharmaceutical products, pasteurization, modification of conductor devices and other purposes.

«With colleagues from South Korea, we share the work on the creation of installations. In this case, at the INP, we assembled an accelerating tube, a high-voltage rectifier, the Koreans developed a control system for the installation, a high-pressure vessel, the customer himself designed radiation protection. But the process of installation and start-up adjustments were already carried out jointly on the territory of the Institute of Energy and Nuclear Research in Sao Paulo,» Korchagin explained.
Industrial ELV accelerators, created at the INP SB RAS, are used by various companies and research institutes in the USA, Japan, Korea, China, Malaysia, India, Italy, Germany, the Czech Republic, Poland for radiation treatment of wires and cables, medical products , pharmaceutical and cosmetics, polyethylene and food sterilization.


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