GENERICO.ruКультураThe cartoon "Tima and Tom" was released on platforms in South Korea

The cartoon «Tima and Tom» was released on platforms in South Korea

MOSCOW, 14 SepThe Russian cartoon “Tima and Tom” started on major platforms in South Korea, and the distributor of the republic, CMNIX, will localize the project “Bodo Borodo,” the press service of the Riki group of companies reported.

«The animated series «Tim and Tom», showing excellent results on the Daekyo NoriQ channel, becomes available on platforms in South Korea. So, in September it is expected to be released on KT; earlier this year, the project was placed on KAKAOKIDS, LG U+, SKBtv and LEFTEL,” the message says.

It is noted that the distributor is CMNIX will localize the project «Bodo Borodo» and subsequent placement on channels and platforms in the territory.

There will also be premiere shows in China in 2024.

General Director of the Riki Group of Companies Yulia Nemchina noted that the issues raised in these cartoons are universal and interesting to everyone.


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