GENERICO.ruНаукаThe US tried to steal blueprints for “super-duper missiles” from Russia, an expert said

The US tried to steal blueprints for “super-duper missiles” from Russia, an expert said

MOSCOW, Oct. 24 The United States is far behind Russia in hypersonic missiles; several American attempts to steal data on relevant Russian technologies have already been thwarted , military expert, editor of the Arsenal of the Fatherland magazine Alexey Leonkov said on Tuesday.
Earlier on Tuesday, former US President Donald Trump said at a rally of supporters in New Hampshire that during the Barack Obama administration, Russia allegedly stole from the Americans the blueprints for a “super-duper-rocket” that flies “super-fast.”

«Trump says that the drawings were stolen. But wait, someone made these drawings, where is this person or group of comrades? The drawings are also not in «A single copy is made. Where is the American hypersound in this case? It's not a matter of drawings, it's a matter of technology. For us, all this went on consistently, we were already on the verge of a breakthrough before the collapse of the Soviet Union,» Leonkov said.

According to him, work was carried out on both missile and aviation hypersound. In the 1990s, projects were suspended, but then resumed. He recalled that in 2004 the capability demonstrator was launched for the first time, in 2014 the Russian Federation was on the verge of a breakthrough, and in 2015 and 2016 it was possible to achieve the desired results.
“The president spoke about these developments in 2018 — these are Avangard, Zircon and Dagger. Now we are already working on the second generation, so there was no point in stealing some American drawings for us, but the Americans were just trying to steal our developments, our special services have recently stopped several attempts at espionage in the field of our hypersound,” the expert noted.
Leonkov emphasized that now it is the Americans who are trying to catch up with Russia and have attracted hypersound specialists from other countries, “but they are more theoreticians.”
«Our research went on almost continuously, development proceeded evolutionarily from supersonic to hypersonic, a whole cooperation of several concerns worked, KTRV, developers of intercontinental ballistic missiles, others. Technologies were improved, primarily materials science, and complex physical and mathematical modeling was also carried out and the issue of reliable communication and control at hypersonic speeds has been resolved,” the interlocutor explained.


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