MOSCOW, December 16 The Soyuz-2.1b rocket launched the Fregat upper stage with the Arktika-M hydrometeorological satellite No. 2 into low-Earth orbit , the launch is broadcast by Roscosmos.
The rocket launch took place at 12.17 Moscow time. Now the upper stage will have to turn on its engine three times and deliver the device to the target highly elliptical orbit in just over 4.5 hours.
«»There is a separation of the head unit. The head unit as part of the Fregat upper stage and the Arktika-M spacecraft No. 2 has been launched into an open orbit,” said the launch commentator.
Arktika-M No. 1 was launched on February 28, 2021 and accepted into operation on September 3 of the same year. Two more satellites should appear in the system by 2031. In addition, in 2026 the design of the new generation Arktika-MP devices will begin.
The Arktika-M satellites operate in an elliptical orbit with an inclination of 63.3 degrees and in their working area they see the Arctic region, including the Northern Sea Route. They are equipped with instruments for obtaining images of clouds and surfaces in the visible and infrared ranges, monitoring and forecasting solar flares, radiation conditions and the geomagnetic field.