GENERICO.ruМедицинаDeath under the Christmas tree: what people die from on New Year's Day

Death under the Christmas tree: what people die from on New Year's Day

New Year's holidays can be called the deadliest days of the year — people drink too much alcohol, eat too much and take their own health too lightly. We reveal the main causes of mortality during this period.

Alcohol and unnatural death

On the first day of the year in Russia, approximately 2.2 thousand more people die than on average every day of the cold season. From January 1 to January 17, the number of additional deaths reaches 9-12 thousand, with the second peak of mortality occurring on Christmas Day. This was shown by a study conducted by Doctor of Medical Sciences Alexander Nemtsov from the Federal Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Narcology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. The scientist analyzed data from 2004 to 2016.

Nemtsov believes that the main reason for this surge in mortality is alcohol consumption. It can be associated with injuries, accidents, murders, alcoholic psychoses and even respiratory diseases. It is known that on New Year's Day the chance of being hit by a car increases sharply.

However, other studies show that even without alcohol on New Year's, mortality remains abnormally increased.

Postpone visiting the doctor after New Year? Very in vain

During the New Year holidays, increased mortality remains, even if we exclude from the statistics murders, disasters and deaths that are associated with alcohol, drugs, exposure to cold, pneumonia, and influenza. This was shown by a study that scientists from the University of California published in 2010. They analyzed 57 million death certificates issued in the United States from 1979 to 2004.

The authors suggest that people are more likely to die during the New Year and Christmas holidays because they put off visits to the doctor, and in hospitals during There are not enough staff during the winter holidays.

The cardiovascular system also fails

At New Year and Christmas, there are peaks in mortality from diseases of the cardiovascular system. In general, more people die from this cause in winter than in summer. However, the surge that occurs during the holidays occurs regardless of this. Scientists established this by examining data from New Zealand, where New Year falls in the summer. The same study showed that people who die from heart attacks and strokes these days are, on average, younger than those who die from these causes on other days.

Scientists suggest that the increase in “cardiac” mortality during the holidays due to the following reasons:

  • People inappropriately delay seeking necessary medical care when they feel symptoms of illness.
  • During the holidays, hospitals do not have enough staff to provide quality care.
  • People allow themselves too much during the holidays: they overeat, eat a lot of fatty and salty foods, drink alcohol.
  • Emotional stress, which, among other things, can be associated with work issues.
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To these factors are added conditions that are associated with an increase in cardiovascular mortality throughout the cold season:

  • Increasing incidence of influenza and ARVI.
  • Shortening daylight hours.
  • Cold weather.

In such a way as not to intensify the sad New Year's statistics, it is advisable to follow several rules:

  • when symptoms of illness, do not delay seeking help;
  • during the holiday feast, exercise moderation in both alcohol consumption and food.
  • on the eve of the holidays Avoid stress as much as possible.


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