GENERICO.ruМедицинаRakova announced a project to use AI in the Moscow laboratory service

Rakova announced a project to use AI in the Moscow laboratory service

MOSCOW, January 23. A pilot project to introduce artificial intelligence into the work of the city laboratory diagnostic service has started in Moscow; it will be able to recognize pathological changes in the biomaterial under study in the background and signal a specialist about this, according to the official portal of the mayor and government of Moscow.
“We are making every effort to ensure that our medicine is advanced and provide our specialists with modern tools. And for this we need to apply and develop digital technologies and, in particular, artificial intelligence. Another area where the implementation of such solutions begins is the city laboratory service «. At the city center for laboratory research, a pilot project is being carried out to introduce a digital assistant that will be able to recognize pathological changes in the biomaterial under study in the background and signal this to a specialist,» Anastasia Rakova, Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Social Development, is quoted in the message.
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It is noted that today artificial intelligence has already passed the first stage of training and learned to recognize the norm; now the algorithms analyze the anonymized results of studies with pathological changes.

«Thus specialists will be able to devote more time to the most complex cases, be less involved in routine processes, and most importantly, recognize the signs of a disease even in cases where it is not the direct object of study,” Rakov is quoted as saying in the message.
It is clarified that The experiment is currently being conducted in the direction of “liquid cytology” — this is a cytological research method for diagnosing benign and malignant cell changes. In the future, the project can be scaled to other areas. In addition, in the future they plan to integrate the service into a unified information system, which allows automating all stages of cytological and histological studies.


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