GENERICO.ruПроисшествияMigrants smashed the head of a State Duma deputy

Migrants smashed the head of a State Duma deputy

In Samara, migrants attacked State Duma deputy Matveev after making a remark

In Samara, migrants attacked State Duma deputy Matveev after making a remark

In Samara, migrants attacked State Duma deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Mikhail Matveev and smashed his head. A politician, driving through the city by car, saw three migrants beating passers-by. The incident occurred on July 18.

The deputy came out, took out his ID and tried to stop the conflict, but was immediately hit on the head with a stick.

The parliamentarian recorded a video in which he said that his head was cut . He added that the migrants immediately fled, but one of the attackers, who turned out to be a citizen of Uzbekistan, was caught by Matveev’s driver.

The deputy said that “migrant lawlessness” was happening in Samara. He added that he called the police and an ambulance.


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