GENERICO.ruПолитикаThe Gambian Foreign Minister confirmed participation in the Russia-Africa forum

The Gambian Foreign Minister confirmed participation in the Russia-Africa forum

ACCRA, July 18 Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Gambia Mamadou Tangara, in a conversation with, confirmed his participation in the ministerial conference of the Russia-Africa Partnership Forum.
In March, Ambassador at Large of the Russian Foreign Ministry and head of the secretariat of the Russia-Africa Partnership Forum Oleg Ozerov said that in the fall in Sochi, at a two-day meeting of foreign ministers of the Russia-Africa format, interim results would be summed up after the second Russia-Africa summit «, held in the summer of 2023 in St. Petersburg, and will also outline the main directions of development.
“I will be happy to come to Russia for the meeting of the ministers of Africa and Russia,” Tangara told the agency.


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