GENERICO.ruПроисшествияElderly woman reported for abuse of grandson

Elderly woman reported for abuse of grandson

An elderly woman was reported for abuse of her grandson

In a residential area near Moscow  complex complained about a grandmother who beats and scolds the baby, reports MSK1.RU.

Residents of the Lyubertsy residential complex have watched the pensioner and her one-year-old grandson more than once. A woman often hits and scolds a baby while walking.

A video of an elderly woman and a child has spread across social networks. One of the woman’s neighbors wrote in the comments that the pensioner “is screaming like crazy. Both day and night.»

According to the woman, the boy's mother works a lot, and the grandmother often behaves this way with her grandson.

 Residents of the residential complex indicated that they sent   collective statements to various authorities near Moscow so that the relevant authorities check the family.


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