GENERICO.ruПроисшествияAlmost all residents of Vladivostok have had their electricity supply restored

Almost all residents of Vladivostok have had their electricity supply restored

VLADIVOSTOK, August 17 Power supply in Vladivostok has been almost completely restored after a major outage the day before, the city administration reported on its Telegram channel.
«All high-voltage substations in Vladivostok are energized. Almost all subscribers have had their electricity supply restored,» the publication says.

Grid organization crews continue to eliminate emergency outages.

Earlier today, the Primvodokanal company reported that water supply had been fully restored in Vladivostok.
On Friday, August 16, a massive power outage occurred in Primorye. Authorities reported that there was a short circuit in the 500 kW network at the Luchegorsk State District Power Plant. On Saturday, the Far Eastern Distribution Grid Company reported that power supply in the region had been restored. The head of the region, Oleg Kozhemyako, in turn, said that there were still isolated outages and called on residents to report power outages.
The Far Eastern Department of Rostekhnadzor has created a commission to investigate the causes of the accident.


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