GENERICO.ruРоссияThe Federal Tax Service began to publish statistics on employee income and company profits

The Federal Tax Service began to publish statistics on employee income and company profits

The Federal Tax Service (FTS) has begun to publish statistics on employee income and company profits. The service analytic portal is in test mode.

An infographic appeared on the FTS website with statistical tax reporting data, service performance indicators, receipts to the budget system of Russia and tax indicators of the economy. A “tax load calculator” is also available.

The source of the published data is the aggregated tax reporting of organizations. It is assumed to be individually protected by tax secrecy.

“We realized that we have an incredible value asset in the form of various kinds of data. And we structured them, systematized them, depersonalized them where necessary, given that we are burdened with tax secrets. And they were prepared for various kinds of supplies, ”said the head of the Federal Tax Service Daniil Egorov to RBC.


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