GENERICO.ruПолитика"Ukrainian Dream": Zelensky announced a new mortgage program

«Ukrainian Dream»: Zelensky announced a new mortgage program

The mortgage program at 5% per annum is planned to be launched in the first quarter of the year.

< p> This year, a new program Ukrainian Dream will be launched, according to which Ukrainians will be able to take out a mortgage at 5% per annum. Rostislav Shurma, Deputy Head of the President's Office, spoke about the program, reports with reference to the Correspondent.

& # 171; No restrictions, the most simple and understandable product. There is a family that earns 20-30 thousand UAH in total. Our task & # 8212; to give this family the opportunity to get a new apartment with an area of ​​60-70 sq m for a monthly payment of 10 thousand UAH & # 187 ;, & # 8212; he said.

Also, the program will provide loans at 5% for other purposes, for example, to buy an electric car, get an education or change a profession.

According to Shurma, this year they plan to issue 30 thousand mortgage loans.

& # 171; If we talk about the Ukrainian dream, our goal in 2022 is to issue 30 thousand mortgage loans under this program, for a year — 70 thousand, and then reach stable 150 thousand mortgages annually & # 187;, & # 8212; he said.

The authorities expect that this will double or 2.5 times the volume of construction.

& # 171; As for financing, for some reason they always talk about the budget. But budgetary funds are only for starting the mechanism. Further, monetary instruments should start earning, that is, when the liquidity of the banking sector, Ukrainian or Western, begins to work in these products. In America, China or Europe, the amount of such loans is trillions of dollars a year & # 187 ;, & # 8212; he added.


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