Special Presidential Representative for Relations with International Organizations to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals Anatoly Chubais MOSCOW, 13 January Russian President Vladimir Putin at the end of 2021 outlined the achievement of the goal of carbon neutrality by the country by 2060 and thereby led Russia away from a development path that would have turned into a global lag, said Anatoly Chubais, President's Special Representative for Relations with International Organizations, at the Gaidar Forum on Thursday. recalled that the world is in the stage of energy transition from old non-renewable energy sources (coal, oil, gas), which caused an increased concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere, to clean energy sources (wind, sun, atom, hydropower). The standard of living of Russians is 30% higher than in the early 1990s, Kudrin said. «The first strategy (ignoring the need for an energy transition — ed.), If you move away from diplomacy, is called dumb, and the second is a smart strategy (a smart strategy — ed.). It is fundamentally important for me that Russia until very recently was at a fork in the road. We had very influential forces that categorically insisted on the first strategy. carbon neutrality no later than 2060, «Chubais said. The official explained that a smart strategy means revising the country's energy system while maximizing existing advantages. According to Chubais, if the «dumb» path of development was chosen, then in 20-30 years Russia would feel the same as a country without the Internet, that is, hopelessly lagging behind the economies of the leading countries. Mishustin spoke about measures to slow down inflation in Russia