There are times when unpleasant sensations can be endured or relieved by taking a pill. But sometimes a sharp pain is a signal that not a minute should be lost.
Now, when doctors and hospitals work with increased workload, it is recommended to seek help only in emergency cases, postponing all less urgent problems with health after the coronavirus. We tell you when it is impossible in any case to endure the pain, and even more so to «drown» it with painkillers, but you need to urgently run to the doctor, reports with reference to Home.
Sharp headache
A very severe headache that starts suddenly and & nbsp; spreads and & nbsp; builds up almost instantly — a reason to see a doctor immediately, wherever you are and & nbsp; whatever you do. Most often, a sharp and & nbsp; almost unbearable headache is a sign of a stroke or even extensive hemorrhage in the & nbsp; brain. See your doctor immediately!
Extensive chest pain
This is the most famous (though not the most common) symptom of an impending heart attack. If you or someone close to you feel pain spreading in your chest, do not hesitate to call an ambulance!
Pain in the & nbsp; lower back
Pain in the & nbsp; lower back, localized to the right or left, or «scattered», can be a sign of a kidney infection. It is important to see a doctor as soon as possible, as the infection can cause blood poisoning or kidney failure.
Pain in the & nbsp; buttocks
Severe pain in the & nbsp; upper thigh, passing into the & nbsp; buttocks area is a symptom of sciatica, lesions of the sciatic nerve. With this disease, it is important to take action as soon as possible and & nbsp; slow down the development of the disease, otherwise it can lead to & nbsp; the development of muscle weakness and & nbsp; even paralysis.
Pain in the & nbsp; right side of the abdomen
Sharp pain in the & nbsp; right lower abdomen, especially accompanied by high fever, nausea and & nbsp; vomiting, can be a sign of appendicitis. However, even if there are & nbsp; no «additional» symptoms, it is still important to see a doctor: sometimes appendicitis develops rapidly.
Pain in the lower abdomen
Unfortunately, many women experience severe pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation, but if they are really severe, it is important to see a doctor. Such pain can be a symptom of endometriosis — a disease that can significantly increase the risk of infertility.
Aching pain or cramps in the & nbsp; legs
Frequent cramps in the legs or a feeling of aching pain is also not worth ignoring: this may be a sign of thrombosis deep veins. It is important to do an ultrasound to rule out this diagnosis — otherwise, thrombosis can lead to a blockage of the heart or pulmonary artery.
Numbness of the legs
From time to time, we all experience a sensation of numbness or tingling in our legs, but if it appears often, it is worth checking the blood sugar level: frequent loss of sensitivity in the legs can be a symptom of developing type 2 diabetes. See an endocrinologist as soon as possible and have your glucose checked!