Facebook social network application in mobile phoneMOSCOW, 26 Feb. Facebook, due to the situation around Ukraine, is banning Russian state media from advertising and monetizing on its platform, Nathaniel Gleicher, head of the social network's cybersecurity department, said. According to Gleicher, Facebook «is closely monitoring the situation in Ukraine.»
& #34;We now ban Russian state media from advertising or monetizing on our platform anywhere in the world",» he tweeted.
RIA Novosti has already received a notification. «Your page's ability to earn revenue is limited because it has monetization violations,» it said. Earlier, Roskomnadzor imposed partial restrictions on access to Facebook in the form of traffic slowdown after Internet company Meta Platforms, which owns social network, did not respond to the agency's demands to unblock censored materials from the Zvezda TV channel, the RIA Novosti news agency, the Lenta.ru and Gazeta.ru Internet sites.RT has been tagged «false» by FacebookRussia launched a military operation to demilitarize Ukraine in the early hours of Thursday, February 24. In a televised address to the Russians, President Vladimir Putin said that circumstances «require decisive and immediate action from us, the people's republics of Donbass have asked for help.» On Thursday, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a special military operation in the Donbass. He assured that Moscow's plans do not include the occupation of Ukraine, only its demilitarization and denazification. The Ministry of Defense stressed that the Russian Armed Forces do not launch any missile, air or artillery strikes on Ukrainian cities: military infrastructure is disabled by high-precision weapons, nothing is done to the civilian population does not threaten. On Friday morning, 118 Ukrainian military facilities were put out of action, the Chernobyl nuclear power plant was taken under control. Ukrainian air defense systems have been suppressed, the military infrastructure of military air bases has been disabled, the Ministry of Defense notes. Maxim Gorbachev