UST-LUGA (Leningrad region), Mar 4The new road and rail ferry «Marshal Rokossovsky» will ensure uninterrupted communication between the western outpost of Russia and the country and uninterrupted supplies of products to the Kaliningrad region, said Russian President Vladimir Putin. And this means that in any development of events, we will provide decent living conditions for people, opportunities for further strengthening the industrial, social, and tourist infrastructure of the Kaliningrad region, for uninterrupted supply of products and sustainable operation of companies and enterprises in the region,» the president emphasized before raising the state 14:17 Putin promised to complete the construction of new ferries for Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands The ceremony was held in the seaport of Ust-Luga, Putin participated in it via video link. «Marshal Rokossovsky» is Russia's first dual-fuel car-rail ferry. The vessel was built by the Nevsky Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Plant (part of the USC) together with the Turkish shipyard Kuzey Star Shipyard and is designed to transport trains and ro-ro cargo. According to the technical characteristics of the vessel, it has a length of 200 meters and a width of 27 meters. Such a width of the ferry makes it possible to use the maximum capacity of the ramps in the ports of Baltiysk and Ust-Luga. On Friday, the first rolling of wagons on the ferry will also take place, after which Marshal Rokossovsky will enter the Ust-Luga-Baltiysk line, which is strategically important for Russia. Now two ferries are involved on the line — Baltiysk (FSUE Rosmorport) and Ambal (Oboronlogistics LLC). the ship being built by the order of FSUE «Rosmorport» is the ferry «General Chernyakhovsky». The commissioning of two new «green» ferries will improve the transport security of the Kaliningrad region, reorient cargo traffic to the territory of the Russian Federation, and also ensure the transportation of goods necessary for domestic consumption. Both ferries for the Ust-Luga — Baltiysk line are named after prominent Soviet commanders : twice Hero of the Soviet Union Konstantin Rokossovsky, the only marshal in the history of the USSR of two countries — the USSR and Poland, and twice Hero of the Soviet Union, General of the Army Ivan Chernyakhovsky. » />14:16Russia will still solve the set tasks, Putin said