GENERICO.ruНаукаBorisov said that the program of space launches is being carried out without disruption

Borisov said that the program of space launches is being carried out without disruption

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MOSCOW, June 30 The launch program of 2023 is being carried out without disruption, the orbital group of the Russian Federation already consists of 225 devices, the head of Roscosmos, Yuri Borisov, reported to Russian President Vladimir Putin on the air of the TV channel » Russia 24″ on Friday.
«The launch program for 2023 is being carried out so far without disruptions and transfers, which made it possible to qualitatively and quantitatively increase the Russian space constellation. At the moment, we have 225 satellites. If you remember, on April 12 I meeting with you, I reported that we have 185 satellites (ed.), which means that this is not only a quantitative increase in the constellation, but also a qualitative one.
all-day «Condor» with a resolution of less than 1 meter — for monitoring the Earth, in particular, the ice situation on the Northern Sea Route. In addition, in half a year, the formation of a constellation of satellites in geostationary orbit for Roshydromet was completed, a device was launched into a solar synchronous orbit «Meteor», a constellation of GLONASS is supported — in August a new generation of GLONASS satellite with increased accuracy will be launched.

«I think that by the end of this year we will significantly improve the state of our Earth remote sensing constellation,» Borisov added.» data-title=»Medvedev urged to commercialize space»>


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