GENERICO.ruРоссияIn Yakutia, a military commissar was fined for calling work from vacation and saying that the military registration and...

In Yakutia, a military commissar was fined for calling work from vacation and saying that the military registration and enlistment office was mined

The Mirninsky District Court of Yakutia fined Military Commissar Yuri Chuba 200 thousand rubles in a criminal case of false mining of a military registration and enlistment office. The text of the verdict was published on the court’s website, and the Yakut telegram channel “Torboznoye Radio” drew attention to it.

The court found the military commissar of the city of Mirny guilty of knowingly falsely reporting an impending explosion for hooligan reasons (Part 1 of Article 207 of the Criminal Code). According to the case file, on August 10, 2021, while on vacation, Chuba was unable to reach the employee performing his duties by phone and dialed the military registration and enlistment office itself.

The call was answered by a guard named Ikhiseev, whom the military commissar did not personally know. Chuba demanded to introduce himself three times, but the interlocutor did not do this, and in the end the military commissar said: “The military registration and enlistment office is mined, your actions, I give you 15 minutes.” The watchman called law enforcement officers, who found no explosive devices in the building.

In court, Chuba did not admit guilt and explained that he was guided by “personal concern for his native military registration and enlistment office.”

According to the military commissar, he did not have “a goal to destabilize the activities of the authorities,” he initially “tried to establish the identity of the watchman on duty, who answered the call in a vague manner with an accent and did not introduce himself.” Chuba added that he wanted to check the employee “for compliance with his job description.”


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