GENERICO.ruЭкономикаThe Central Bank will update the format for publishing decisions on the key rate

The Central Bank will update the format for publishing decisions on the key rate

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MOSCOW, January 30 The Bank of Russia will update the set of materials that are released after meetings of the board of directors on the key rate, the regulator said.
““Starting from February 2024: on the sixth working day after each decision on the key rate, the Bank of Russia will publish a summary,” the Central Bank clarified.
The document will reflect the discussion of the decision during the “week of silence” and at a meeting of the board of directors of the regulator

The summary will include the positions of the discussion participants on the situation in the economy and the prospects for its development, alternative solutions with arguments for and against, and justification for the decision made. Positions will be presented without highlighting the opinions of individual discussion participants.

The regulator will also change the format of the press release on the key rate. Its volume will be reduced, since detailed information about the main factors that influenced the decision on the rate will be disclosed in the summary. And during the pivotal rounds, simultaneously with the summary, the Central Bank will publish a commentary on the medium-term macroeconomic forecast.
In addition, the Central Bank will stop publishing the monetary policy report, as the updated set of materials will cover all the material information that was previously contained in it.


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