GENERICO.ruКультураPriluchny appealed the court's decision on alimony

Priluchny appealed the court's decision on alimony

MOSCOW, May 7. Actor Pavel Priluchny appealed the decision of the Golovinsky Court of Moscow, which partially satisfied the claim of his ex-wife Agata Mutsenietse for the recovery of alimony for the maintenance of minor children, it is reported on portal of the courts of general jurisdiction of Moscow.
““Priluchny P.V.’s appeal has been registered,” the file says.
The court confirmed the filing of the complaint. “The defendant filed an appeal because he does not agree with the court’s decision. He considers it illegal and unfounded, made in violation of the norms of substantive and procedural law and subject to cancellation,” said the agency’s interlocutor.

Earlier, the authorities reported that that the ex-wife’s claim was partially satisfied. What the amount of payments from Priluchny would be was not disclosed there, nor were other details of the dispute — the proceedings took place behind closed doors.

In 2022, the actor married Zepyur Brutyan. Last spring they had a son.


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