KABUL, Jan 1 At least two civilians were injured in a roadside bomb on Saturday in Kabul, an eyewitness told RIA Novosti. According to him, the incident took place near a university in the fifth district of Kabul. Security personnel arrived at the scene and reported that an investigation into the explosion had begun. In early August, the Taliban (the Taliban * is under UN sanctions for terrorist activities) intensified their offensive against Afghan government forces, entered Kabul on August 15, and announced the next day, that the war is over. The last two weeks of August from the Kabul airport, which was under the protection of the US military, there was a mass evacuation of Western citizens and Afghans who collaborated with them. On the night of August 31, the US military left the Kabul airport, ending the nearly 20-year US military presence in Afghanistan. In early September, the composition of the interim government of Afghanistan was announced, headed by Mohammad Hasan Akhund, who was in charge of foreign policy during the first rule of the Taliban * and has been under UN sanctions since 2001. * The organization is under UN sanctions for terrorist activities