GENERICO.ruМедицинаOne Habit Per Month Will Help Improve Your Health: A Schedule for 2022

One Habit Per Month Will Help Improve Your Health: A Schedule for 2022

After & nbsp; 12 months and & nbsp; energy and & nbsp; you will have much more health.

The biggest accomplishments start with & nbsp; small changes and & nbsp; simple habits. If you spend & nbsp; 15 minutes every day on & nbsp; a new good habit — after & nbsp; a year you can achieve truly impressive results. And & nbsp; which is especially pleasant, they will happen as if by themselves, almost imperceptibly. We suggest that you put on a small experiment and add one small change to your life every month of the year. We promise you with all responsibility: in & nbsp; 12 months and & nbsp; energy, and & nbsp; you will have much more health, reports with reference to Home.

Month 1: Every week go to bed for & nbsp; 15 minutes before

When else to sleep, if not & nbsp; now? And & nbsp; when to start experimenting with sleep, no matter how & nbsp; holidays? The best and most important thing that we can do for health is to improve sleep. A good night's rest normalizes the cardiovascular system, supports metabolic rate, helps to cope with stress (and slow down aging) and & nbsp; even protect against cancer. It's not easy to find a whole free hour right away to go to bed early — but if you add & nbsp; 15 minutes every week (for example, for & nbsp; evening Internet surfing or a couple of pages of a book), then for & nbsp; a month this hour will be typed almost imperceptibly. You will start to feel much better.

Month 2: Wear sunscreen

Dermatologists warn: most of us are still not protecting their skin from the & nbsp; sun. Meanwhile, it is the regular use of products with & nbsp; UV protection that is the most effective prevention of skin cancer. Pick up a cream with & nbsp; index of protection not & nbsp; less than 30 (but better than 50) and & nbsp; use it every day, even if it's cloudy outside & nbsp; and you are going not & nbsp; to the beach, but to & nbsp; office. And & nbsp; and & nbsp; and & nbsp; the scalp, hands and & nbsp; hair need protection.

Month 3: Protect and & nbsp; strengthen your heart

Heart disease continues to be the leading cause of death in & nbsp; men and & nbsp; women. And doctors do not & nbsp; tire of reminding: lifestyle has a very significant impact on the & nbsp; risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. And & nbsp; one of the & nbsp; effective methods of preventing heart disease is walking. Just 15-30 minutes of cardio per day helps to significantly reduce the risk. A small set of exercises in the morning instead of exercising, a walk in the evening after work (which will also help relieve stress after a hard day), the habit of walking up stairs instead of an elevator — all these small changes will ultimately help you maintain your heart health. And of course, be sure to do a preventive heart test every & nbsp; year — just to make sure it is still strong and & nbsp; works great.

Month 4: Take care of your & nbsp; vision

The fear of blindness or partial loss of vision is one of the & nbsp; most common, but with & nbsp; this many of us do almost nothing to & nbsp; protect their eyes. In & nbsp; including & nbsp; the simplest — eye protection from & nbsp; ultraviolet radiation. March, the first month when the sun gets really bright, is the most suitable month for & nbsp; to develop a new healthy habit — to wear sunglasses with & nbsp; UV protection. Trifle? Meanwhile, this little thing will not protect & nbsp; only your eyes (do not forget about & nbsp; the fact that melanoma develops not & nbsp; only on the & nbsp; skin, but also & nbsp; in the eyes), but also & nbsp; delicate skin around.

Month 5: Eat More Vegetables and & nbsp; Fruits

Five servings of fresh vegetables and & nbsp; fruits is the daily minimum needed to & nbsp; maintain a healthy gastrointestinal tract. Start with & nbsp; adding one vegetable or fruit to & nbsp; & nbsp; every meal — & nbsp; is not & nbsp; not difficult, and you will see results very soon.

Month 6: Get vaccinated against & nbsp; flu

The best time for this kind of vaccination is October. Don't & nbsp; forget & nbsp; the fact that it takes no less than two weeks for the immune system to be fully formed — and & nbsp; it is better to get vaccinated as early as possible to meet the flu season fully armed.

Month 7: Eat less sugar

If you are used to drinking coffee or tea with & nbsp; sugar, then try starting with & nbsp; adding & nbsp; one cup a day & nbsp; 50% less sugar or simply replacing it with honey. Another & nbsp; easy way & nbsp; is to replace one day's dessert with a & nbsp; portion of dried fruits (only choose those that are prepared without adding sugar syrup). These are all small things and & nbsp; they don't & nbsp; require a lot of effort — and the result will be almost instantaneous.

Month 8: Eat from & nbsp; smaller cookware

More often than not, we eat & nbsp; 15-20% more than we actually need — due to the fact that we eat too fast and & nbsp; miss the satiety signal. In addition to the completely logical advice to eat more slowly and not to be distracted while eating, there is another life hack. Try smaller dishes: even smaller portions will visually seem to be sufficient and & nbsp; you will eat exactly as much as you & nbsp; really need, and & nbsp; and & nbsp; at the same time you will not & nbsp; feel hungry.

Month 9: Arrange a checkup < p>Spend a few days and & nbsp; arrange a health check. Take advanced blood and urine tests, perform ultrasound of important organs (heart, thyroid, abdominal organs and & nbsp; small pelvis), be sure to undergo a preventive examination by a gynecologist and & nbsp; mammologist, as well as a dentist and an ophthalmologist.

Month 10: Cut back on carbohydrates

But not & nbsp; any, of course, but only «empty». Carbohydrates are necessary for our body and & nbsp; it is important & nbsp; to eat them & nbsp; in & nbsp; sufficient quantities, but it is worth getting them from & nbsp; vegetables, whole grains and & nbsp; cereals. Replace white rice with & nbsp; brown, replace your usual side dishes with & nbsp; dishes from & nbsp; legumes, eat oatmeal more often for & nbsp; breakfast — so you don't & nbsp; only take care of & nbsp; your health, but also & nbsp; improve your figure.

Dedicated to Month 11: meditation for at least 5 minutes on a & nbsp; day

Stress is our constant companion and & nbsp; invisible enemy that secretly destroys our health. Meditation is the easiest and most effective way to deal with & nbsp; daily stress, reducing or even & nbsp; canceling its consequences. In addition, studies have shown that meditation raises levels of happiness, which is definitely needed in & nbsp; the saddest month of the year.

Month 12: Drink & nbsp; one glass of wine less

Quarantine — stress + loneliness + excess time, which needs to be filled with something. Quite a dangerous combination, yes. Sometimes it all seems harmless, but in fact, every & nbsp; portion of alcohol & nbsp; increases the risk of developing various diseases, and also disrupts metabolism and & nbsp; badly affects & nbsp; sleep. We are not & nbsp; suggesting that you give up alcohol entirely — but just try to «cut» one serving. The body will definitely say «thank you» to you!


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