GENERICO.ruСпорт"A good sign before the Olympics": Vasiliev - about Loginov's victory in Oberhof

«A good sign before the Olympics»: Vasiliev — about Loginov's victory in Oberhof

MOSCOW, January 7, Sergey Pogrebnyak. Two-time Olympic champion in biathlon Dmitry Vasiliev hopes that the victory of Alexander Loginov in the sprint at the World Cup in Germany will be a prerequisite for his successful performance at the Olympic Games. Loginov became the first in the sprint at the World Cup in Oberhof, Germany on Friday. Loginov's victory was the first for Russian athletes in personal races this season. The sixth place in the sprint was taken by Anton Babikov. «Sasha is a fine fellow! He gradually accelerated at all stages this season and went to victory. It is symbolic that he managed to win in the first race in the new year. I hope this will bode well for the Olympics. «, — said Vasiliev.» Of course, I believe in our athletes. Babikov got into the prizes immediately after returning to the team. It's great that he coped with the shooting. But I must admit that today there was a lottery at the turn. The same Daniil Serokhvostov at the counter fell into a lull and very quickly shot to zero. Today, just such light athletes as Anton and Daniil felt better on a loose track. But the conditions were difficult for everyone. I hope luck will continue to accompany the Russian national team, «added Vasiliev.


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