Director of the Center. Gamalei Alexander Gunzburg MOSCOW, Jan 7 The coronavirus pandemic will end when 70% of the population can be vaccinated in six months, otherwise, if vaccination continues at a slow pace, the incidence waves can be counted indefinitely, the director told RIA Novosti Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology named after Gamaleya Alexander Gunzburg.
& # 34; If 70% of the population is vaccinated in six months, then the pandemic will end, then we will open the borders, return to our usual life. And if the vaccination takes a teaspoon per hour, we will count the waves ad infinitum & # 34 ;, — said Gunzburg.
He noted that it is also important to undergo revaccination six months after vaccination. Earlier, Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova said, that the level of herd immunity to COVID-19 in Russia increased to 62.6%, the full cycle immunization was carried out more than 75 million times. At the same time, in some regions, due to an untimely revaccination campaign, this figure has decreased, she added. The vaccination against coronavirus is being carried out in all regions. Sputnik V preparations, its one-component version Light, EpiVacCorona and KoviVak, developed by the Chumakov Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, are available. Several more vaccines are undergoing registration procedures and studies.