Police and military equipment on the street in Alma-Ata MOSCOW, January 7 In Almaty region there was an armed clash between Kazakhstani security officials and looters, one attacker was killed, a policeman was wounded, local TV reported. used for refueling cars. Subsequently, people took to the streets in other cities, there were several clashes with the security forces, there are victims from all sides. The participants in the events, which the authorities call militants or terrorists, made several attempts to storm administrative buildings and police departments, they were recaptured. Until January 19, an emergency regime was in force throughout Kazakhstan, the authorities were cleaning the squares from the instigators of the actions. Tokayev dismissed the government and ordered the introduction of regulation selling prices for fuel, however, unrest continued. He also headed the Security Council, at the first meeting of which he called the situation in Kazakhstan «undermining the integrity of the state» and said that he had turned to the CSTO for help. Members of the organization have sent peacekeepers. Follow the situation in Kazakhstan in the online report & gt; & gt;
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