GENERICO.ruВ миреActor Ilya Glinnikov was found in a mountain camp in Alma-Ata

Actor Ilya Glinnikov was found in a mountain camp in Alma-Ata

MOSCOW, Jan 9. Russian actor Ilya Glinnikov, known for his role in the TV series «Interns», was found in a mountain camp in Alma-Ata, Sputnik Kazakhstan reported. As specified in the local department of emergency situations, everything is in order with the artist. This morning, together with the rest of the campers, he left for the airport, from there he will fly home by the export board. Earlier, the media wrote that Glinnikov, who went on an expedition to Talga Peak as part of a tour group at the end of last year, did not get in touch for several days. Riots have been going on in Kazakhstan for almost a week. Mass protests in the republic began in the first days of 2022, the reason for the discontent of the residents of the cities of Zhanaozen and Aktau in the west of the country was a twofold increase in the price of liquefied petroleum gas used for refueling cars. Subsequently, people took to the streets in other cities, there were several clashes with the security forces of the republic, there are victims from all sides.

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Participants in the events, whom the authorities call militants or terrorists, made several attempts to storm administrative buildings and police departments, they were repulsed. According to the UN, about a thousand people were injured during the protests in Kazakhstan. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the republic reported that 18 security officials were killed. Until January 19, a state of emergency is in force throughout Kazakhstan, the authorities are cleaning the squares from the instigators of the shares. 5 January, 15:34 Riots in Kazakhstan Country on fire. Kazakhstan entered the new year with riots


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