GENERICO.ruВ миреEarth is facing the sixth wave of mass extinction

Earth is facing the sixth wave of mass extinction

Sun and planet Earth MOSCOW, 9 Jan. Earth is on the cusp of the sixth wave of mass extinction. Paul Ehrlich, a professor at Stanford University, warned the Daily Mail in late December that the World Wildlife Fund warned that in the next ten years, the Earth could face the most massive extinction of animals since the extinction of the dinosaurs. A million flora and fauna are said to be on the brink of extinction. «Mass extinction is just one of the interconnected existential threats facing civilization, others include climate disruption, global poisoning and a resumption of the nuclear arms race,» Ehrlich said. droughts and wildfires caused by climate change can wreak havoc on the planet like a massive volcanic eruption or a giant asteroid. «While there is some debate about the causes of the previous five mass extinctions, there is no word in the scientific community about the cause of the ongoing sixth — too many people, and the richest of them consume too much, and all this is aggravated by gender, racial and economic inequality «, — added Ehrlich. Climatic failure. Scientists talk about the inevitability of a global catastrophe To date, there have been five mass extinctions on Earth. The most famous of these was caused by a giant asteroid that destroyed the dinosaurs 66 million years ago. The devastation was historical, as 76 percent of the world's species were destroyed by an asteroid impact and its subsequent aftermath.


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