GENERICO.ruСпортKazakhstani Barys beat Metallurg away in the KHL match

Kazakhstani Barys beat Metallurg away in the KHL match

MOSCOW, Jan 9 Kazakhstani Barys beat Magnitogorsk Metallurgist in overtime «in the match of the regular championship of the Continental Hockey League (KHL). The meeting, which took place in Magnitogorsk, ended with a score of 4: 3 (1: 1, 2: 1, 0: 1, 1: 0) in favor of the guests. The winners included Alikhan Asetov (1st minute), Jacob Lilja (29), Anton Sagadeev (37) and Linden Vey (64). The hosts scored Nikita Korostelev (13), Brendan Lipsik (36) and Linus Hultström (48).


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