GENERICO.ruСпортGuberniev was outraged by the participation of an injured biathlete in the KM stages

Guberniev was outraged by the participation of an injured biathlete in the KM stages

MOSCOW, Jan 12, Alexander Govorov. Sports commentator Dmitry Guberniev said that he does not understand the situation with biathlete Anastasia Shevchenko, who in the last races at the World Cup performed with a leg injury. Shevchenko on Wednesday at the World Cup stage in Ruhpolding, Germany, took 57th place (+2.18.4) in the sprint, without making a single mistake. The victory was won by Swedish biathlete Elvira Oeberg. “The race is not a failure. Three people in the top 20 is not bad. When (Svetlana) Mironova scores zeros, her psychological state will improve. In general, the girls got off the ground. I am alarmed and outraged by the situation with Shevchenko. She wanted to run, despite the injury, it’s strange. She did a great job that she came up and explained everything. We are all worried about the team. In general, we must understand that in the sprint, only (Christina) Reztsova can fight for medals with zero. qualified for the IBU Cup, but cannot compete there due to problems with paperwork. zu and other documents. I don't know who exactly is responsible for this. But this is a mess that it is time to end. I will continue to open these abscesses live and draw the attention of the Ministry of Sports, the Olympic Committee, local authorities to what is happening. It seems to me that officials are sometimes out of place, «Guberniev added.


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