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US Permanent Representative declared her readiness to discuss Ukraine only with her participation

NATO Headquarters Brussels WASHINGTON Jan 11 Of Ukraine, without her participation, said US Permanent Representative to NATO Julianne Smith. «We will not make decisions on Ukraine without Ukraine, on Europe without Europe, on NATO without NATO,» she told reporters ahead of the meeting of the RF-NATO Council in Brussels. * Julianne Smith, US Permanent Representative to NATO, said Tuesday. «From our previous consultations with our NATO allies, it became clear that none of the Allied countries wants to negotiate a possible revision of the open door policy,» Smith said during a special briefing on coming The US diplomat added that Washington does not know with what proposals and attitude the Russian side will approach negotiations with NATO. Zakharova caught Blinken in a contradiction after words about the inviolability of borders. In addition, NATO countries are ready for the upcoming talks with Russia at the meeting of the Russia-NATO Council, the positions of the allies are united, said Juliann, the US permanent representative to the Alliance. “All NATO allies are preparing to sit down at the negotiating table with the idea that we must approach this issue together. We are united in our position, «Smith said during a special briefing on the upcoming talks.


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