Who and how much earns from advertising in social networks.
Analytical Hopper HQ has published a ranking of the world's celebrities who earn the most from advertising on Instagram. The top three included Cristiano Ronaldo, Dwayne Johnson and Arian Grande. Who and how much earns on advertising on social networks — find out further.
Rating of the most expensive celebrities on Instagram
Number of subscribers:388 million
Cost per post: $1,604,000
Subscribers: 289 million
Cost per post: $1,523,000
Subscribers: 289 million
Cost per post: $1,510,000
Subscribers: 299 million
< strong>Ad Post Cost: $1,494,000
Followers: 288 million
Price per promotional post: $1 million 468 thousand
Number of followers: 278 million
Cost per promotional post : 1 million 419 thousand dollars
Number of followers: 299 million
Price per promotional post:< /strong> $1 million 169 thousand
Number of followers: 231 million
Cost per post: $1 million 147 thousand
Number of followers: 215 million
Cost per post: 1 million $112,000
Subscribers: 212 million
Cost per post: 1 million 53 thousand d