MOSCOW, January 19 to the public reaction to a positive doping test, which she passed during the 2017 World Cup in Lahti. The Norwegian spoke about the failed doping test in her autobiographical book. FIS did not open a doping case and make the case public, which caused a flurry of criticism in Russia, including from the head of the Russian Ski Racing Federation Elena Vyalbe and commentator Dmitry Guberniev. «No one knew about this situation, and I could not write about it «In a way, I blame myself for this. But if you decide to write about your career, then you need to be open and honest. I was ready for how it might be perceived in other countries. In Russia, they believe that in other countries there are different rules, so I was ready for criticism from there, but I am confident in myself and my innocence. I'm used to the fact that everyone has their own opinion, «Bjorgen Expressen quotes the words. At the 2017 World Cup, Bjorgen won four gold medals .