A woman withdraws money from an ATM. File photoMOSCOW, Jan 20 More than half of Russians have active loans, while 15 percent of citizens have never borrowed money from a credit institution, according to a study by Otkritie Bank, which is available to RIA Novosti.< p>"Never took loans and have no credit history 15 percent of respondents. The highest percentage of those who have never taken loans is in the Far East (24 percent), the least — in the Volga Federal District (12 percent)", analysts found out.
The study was conducted on January 13-18 on a representative sample of 1,000 Russians aged 18-65 in cities with a population of more than 100 thousand people. «83 percent of Russians have a credit history. At the same time, 52 percent of them also have active loans, and 31 percent of all loans have now been repaid,” experts add. According to the study, two percent of Russians do not know what a credit history is. Almost one in three Russians (31 percent) has never checked their credit history. Another 20 percent of those surveyed do this no more than once every two or three years. About 29 percent of respondents check their credit history no more than once a year, and only every fifth citizen does this regularly, several times a year. >An expert told which loans it is better not to mess withThree-quarters of respondents (73 percent) said that they had never allowed late payments on loans. Every fourth respondent tries to pay them on time, although this is not always possible. Only two percent of citizens admitted to regularly delaying loan payments. According to the study, about 60 percent of Russians have not experienced bank refusals due to credit history, while 30 percent have such experience. Every tenth respondent found it difficult to answer this question.